Somers Science Fair
The Somers Science Fair is a poster competition for 1st-year science research students from Westchester County high schools. Last year, almost 400 students from 24 schools participated! This is the only science research competition of its kind in New York State that provides the opportunity for 1st-year science research students to present, via poster board in a competitive setting, their understanding of the related/background information as well as their intended methodology and hypothesized outcomes of their original research project.
Please consider volunteering as a judge to help these bright, young, inspiring scientists as they start their journey into the world of scientific research. Please also consider passing this along to others who may be willing to help. A free catered lunch buffet will be provided to all judges. A copy of the rubric you’d use is attached.
If you are interested in representing Carmel HS at the Somers Science Fair, please complete the short application below!